Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Picassos

We skipped pumpkin carving last year because we had so much going on.  We had just moved back to Alex City.  Derrick was still living in Birmingham, his work schedule was hectic and it just wasn't a festive time of year.  Although we have a lot going on right now (we just moved, I just got back from Uganda and life is hectic in general) I told myself that I was NOT going to make the kids skip this tradition again this year.

We didn't go to a Pumpkin Patch this year so Marlie & I got up today and headed to Wal-Mart to pick out four pumpkins.  She got a little one at the pumpkin patch at her school but it was tiny that I got her another one.  The boys stayed him and soaked up some peace & quiet - a luxury they don't get when the ladies are home :)

Alex wanted a scary pumpkin so he decided to do one that looked like it had been cut several times on the mouth and then stitched.  I'll let you decide how that turned out.

Derrick wanted something easy so he went for the easy, typical pumpkin.

Marlie didn't really have a preference and I wanted her to be able to help me so I decided not to carve hers.  Instead we hot glued some black buttons to say "BOO".

I decided to do a "Mummy" pumpkin.  Oh, it was going to be so stinkin' cute! I carved it and then painted it white to look like bandages.  It was a complete failure.  Papa Johnny (what the kids call my daddy) came up while we were working on our pumpkins.  He's a jokester and of course he, along with Derrick & Alex made fun of mine.  

* Excuse the date on the pictures.  I didn't realize it was wrong.

 Marlie was SO excited about decorating her pumpkin...

 ...then she was SO over it and decided to ride her tricycle.

 Derrick gutting his pumpkin

                   Alex is not a fan of "diggin' out the guts".

  "Can't I just turn it over and dump it in the trash?"

 Alex carving away

   The hot glue gun burned one of her fingers so she was very hesitant about touching her pumpkin. This is the best picture that I could get.


The Allen Family Pumpkins

My pumpkin
 Marlie's pumpkin

Alex & Derrick's pumpkins

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